On this page we mention a few things you should understand before you buy bamboo from us. Other pages provide information about bamboo, bamboo selection, bamboo cultivation, bamboo pests, bamboo propagation and of course, information about black bamboo. We answer frequently asked questions, and share some more bamboo photos
From our contact page you can also find information about us, or see our privacy policy.


You should be aware that there are two different types of bamboo: "clumping bamboo" and "running bamboo".
All of the plants for sale on this web site are

(We can provide some running bamboo and take orders for bare-rooted propagation material, but we do not offer any invasive bamboo for sale on this web site.
Contact us
to discuss your requirements.)

There are small non-invasive bamboos suitable for widespread use in gardens, without soil barriers or problems with the neighbours, but please remember that some clumping bamboos are very large plants, and some are huge. Large bamboo produces large woody underground rhizomes that could damage paving, buildings or drainage systems if planted too close to these or other structures. The same common sense that applies to planning any landscape (or planting a tree), applies to planting bamboo. You should have a clear understanding of this before you plant anything; tree, shrub or bamboo.
The roots which grow from the rhizomes of clumping bamboo are long and fibrous like those of palms or large clumping grasses. There are some situations where this is useful (to stabilise soil and prevent erosion, or lower a water table over an area) and others where it may create problems, (as in essential drainage and sullage systems). These roots are not hard and woody like tree roots but will grow into and along slotted drainage pipe, leaking pipes like old damaged ceramic pipes, (mulched bamboo culms), etc. Be aware of this when you plant bamboo. 


Bamboo flowers, and can die, or takes time to recover or regenerate. This is a very rare event because of the long length of these flowering cycles.
We do not sell bamboo varieties that are flowering, or that we know are about to flower, as this is likely to disappoint buyers. You can plant bamboo and never see it flower. It is also possible, that plants that you buy from us may flower after you plant them, without any of us knowing this will happen. Selecting plants that are known to flower sporadically, such as Textilis or Latiflorus will lessen the chance of inconvenience associated with bamboo flowering. Mixed plantings of different species is also a good strategy.


We have given our best advice  regarding the various bamboo species we offer for sale, and are glad to provide information about bamboo. We have suggested a selection of varieties for certain applications, based on common usage.
The choice of plants for your particular site is yours. As mentioned above you should be aware of the size and nature of anything you plant, not just bamboo. We can only offer information about bamboo species to help you make an informed selection. We are glad to answer questions and share feed back from those already using our bamboo, but is not possible for us to visit sites and recommend plants.

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